
| posted by TransformHeal
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Second Saturday is a free co-ed presentation for individuals confronting issues of separation, divorce, post-divorce, child custody, child support, and visitation.
These issues touch many aspects of your life, from legal, to the emotional and financial. How do you prepare for this? Start by educating yourself as quickly as possible.

We have a great speaker schedule this weekend, including:
- Dianne Nolin of Blisk Financial Group. Dianne is a certified divorce financial planner, and is widely regarded as one of the top divorce financial planners in the region.
- Lauren Keenan, Esq., Lauren is an estate planning attorney with Bean, Kinney & Korman. She will speak about the impact of divorce process on your estate plan.
- Cindy Battino owner of Transformational Healing, is returning to bring her refreshing view regarding the impact divorce has on your relationships, work and homelife, and how you can best work through this troubling time in your life.
- Dawn Wilson, former attorney and current realtor is back to speak about how the realtor works within the divorce process.
- Sara Schuler, a domestic relations attorney with Bean, Kinney & Korman, certified in collaborative law. A popular topic, she will be speaking to how this process differs from the usual more adversarial process.

Please RSVP to Christian M. Lapham at [email protected] to save a slot. We will have coffee and light refreshments.