
Re-Charge Your Marriage Weekend - February 1st and 2nd (re-scheduled from February 15th and 16th)
This weekend intensive workshop will shake up your marriage and make it come alive again. This is a hands on workshop, so get ready to roll up your sleeves, learn some new skills, and fall deeply in love with your partner once again.
The statistics are not pretty: 50% of marriages end in divorce, 75% of second marriages end in divorce, 30% of the remaining married couples are unhappy.
This workshop will go deeply into the topics that can negatively affect marriages: money, sex, and children. Other topics will include conflict, trust, communication, needs and acceptance.
By registering for this workshop (a perfect gift for Valentine’s Day) you will be saying to your spouse, “I love you and our marriage matters.”
Learn more!
View the introductory video.
Listen to Cindy’s radio broadcast from Tuesday, November 5, 2013.
Listen to Cindy’s radio broadcast from January 2, 2014 at 4pm.
“My wife and I have been working with Cindy for a few months. Each session is enlightening and helping us to see the others’ perspective. Cindy has a special ability to “read” people’s energy and sense what the true issues are. She provides straight-forward and clear advice as well as insightful anecdotes. I really appreciate what she has done for me personally and for us as a couple.” Robb
- 6 29 20: Happiness is a Verb Esse...
- 5 11 20: As Restrictions Ease
- 5 11 20: At Home with Cindy and J...
- 5 10 20: Living in the Present
- 4 23 20: “I Feel PrettyR...
- 4 20 20: At Home with Cindy and J...
- 4 8 20: EEK! A Spouse in the Hou...
- 4 7 20: Business Lessons During ...
- 4 1 20: EEK! A Spouse in the Hou...
- 3 30 20: Interview with Mark J. S...
- 3 28 20: Personal Struggles: Depr...
- 3 24 20: EEK! A Spouse in the Hou...
- 3 18 20: EEK! A Spouse in the Hou...
- 3 17 20: EEK! A Spouse in the Hou...
- 3 17 20: Parents: Cooking with Ki...
- 3 17 20: Business Owners: Working...
- 3 14 20: Business Owners: Stay He...
- 11 5 19: How to Cultivate an Atti...
- 9 7 19: Middleburg Life Septembe...
- 9 6 19: Loudoun Now - Seve...
- 8 23 19: Seven Women of Mason Pro...
- 7 8 19: The Value of Unhappiness
- 5 16 19: J & Cindy Sitting i...
- 5 10 19: Fierce Women: Cindy chat...
- 4 17 19: J & Cindy Sitting i...
- 2 25 19: Cindy Speaks with Adrien...
- 12 11 18: Fearless Women Share the...
- 10 12 18: The Quest is Not Perfect
- 7 17 18: Wellness Wisdom Podcast
- 1 8 18: Happy Webinar: Home / Li...
- 8 16 17: Waiting for the Storm or...
- 8 15 17: Are you a Pooh? The Happ...
- 8 7 17: Remarkable Women Podcast...
- 5 23 17: Remarkable Women Intervi...
- 5 4 17: Remarkable Women Intervi...
- 3 17 17: Podcast | J & Cindy...
- 3 3 17: Here We Go! Happiness is...
- 2 20 17: Intrepides Femmes | Fear...
- 1 5 17: The Power of Positivity
- 11 12 16: Prepare for Winter and F...
- 9 27 16: Finding The Happy In You...
- 9 26 16: Words Matter: Happiness ...
- 9 19 16: Request vs. Demand: Happ...
- 9 13 16: Finding The Happy In You...
- 9 12 16: Either and Or: Happiness...
- 9 3 16: Curiosity: Happiness Min...
- 8 29 16: Radio Interview - ...
- 8 29 16: Good People, Bad Habits:...
- 8 22 16: We are All Just Big Kids...
- 8 15 16: Speaking Your Needs: Hap...
- 8 1 16: Healing Journeys -...
- 8 1 16: “Enoughness”...
- 7 26 16: The Pause Button: Happin...
- 7 19 16: We Are Powerful Beings –...
- 7 15 16: Dear Cynthia - Jul...
- 6 11 16: True Confessions from “C...
- 5 10 16: Dear Cynthia - May...
- 5 2 16: Savvy Central Radio Inte...
- 4 5 16: Dear Cynthia - Apr...
- 3 7 16: Dear Cynthia - Mar...
- 1 30 16: Dear Cynthia - Feb...
- 1 13 16: Dear Cynthia - Jan...
- 12 15 15: Dear Cynthia - Dec...
- 11 17 15: Dear Cynthia - Nov...
- 10 28 15: “Don’t run t...
- 10 15 15: Ask Cynthia
- 9 10 15: Don’t Let Ashley Madison...
- 8 29 15: Don’t Let Ashley Madison...
- 6 3 15: A Sterling Women Project...
- 4 2 15: iheartRadio Broadcast wi...
- 3 9 15: Managing the Pain of Div...
- 2 27 15: Savvy Central Radio Inte...
- 12 2 14: It’s Time to Shine...
- 11 20 14: If I Trusted More
- 7 15 14: How to Use Your Pause Bu...
- 6 4 14: Seeking the “Santi...
- 5 19 14: 15 Healthy Boundaries Du...
- 4 16 14: High Tea with the Divas ...
- 4 4 14: Turning Challenges Into ...
- 3 18 14: Before the “Decisi...
- 2 16 14: I Can’t Say No to My Bos...
- 2 11 14: Who Am I Now? Finding th...
- 2 5 14: Getting Through Divorce ...
- 12 16 13: Staying Focused at Work ...
- 12 13 13: New Year New You -...
- 12 3 13: Teens & The Holiday...
- 12 2 13: Making Good Managers, Gr...
- 11 18 13: Let’s Talk About S...
- 11 6 13: New Year - New You...
- 11 2 13: Making Good Managers, Gr...
- 10 29 13: Keeping The “Happy” in y...
- 10 21 13: Re-Charge Your Marriage
- 10 8 13: Making Good Managers, Gr...
- 10 2 13: Boundaries & Budget...
- 9 17 13: Preparing for Your Perfe...
- 9 13 13: Making Good Managers, Gr...
- 8 22 13: Finding Your Secret Stuf...
- 7 24 13: Reinvent “Enough...
- 7 5 13: Reinvent your healthy ...</a></li><li><a href="">6 <strong>26</strong> 13: Is Your Marriage Stuck? ...</a></li><li><a href="">5 <strong>24</strong> 13: Reinventing Divorce Broa...</a></li><li><a href="">4 <strong>29</strong> 13: Reinvent Your Job Search...</a></li><li><a href="">4 <strong>29</strong> 13: You Were in Love, Once U...</a></li><li><a href="">4 <strong>11</strong> 13: Marriage Building Blocks</a></li><li><a href="">4 <strong>8</strong> 13: Reinventing Simplicity</a></li><li><a href="">3 <strong>14</strong> 13: Reinventing Grief By Say...</a></li><li><a href="">1 <strong>17</strong> 13: Reinvent Change</a></li><li><a href="">1 <strong>17</strong> 13: My Next Big Thing: ̶...</a></li></ul><div class="year"><a href="#">2012</a></div><ul class="archive_list"><li><a href="">12 <strong>18</strong> 12: Reinvent Your Resolution...</a></li><li><a href="">11 <strong>30</strong> 12: Reinventing the Holidays</a></li><li><a href="">11 <strong>27</strong> 12: Introducing the Reinvent...</a></li><li><a href="">11 <strong>9</strong> 12: Cindy Battino Urges Ster...</a></li><li><a href="">10 <strong>25</strong> 12: Reinventing Your Fight A...</a></li><li><a href="">10 <strong>8</strong> 12: Appointments</a></li><li><a href="">8 <strong>23</strong> 12: Reinvent Your Intention</a></li><li><a href="">6 <strong>28</strong> 12: Reinvent Your “No”</a></li><li><a href="">5 <strong>31</strong> 12: Reinventing Weight Loss ...</a></li><li><a href="">5 <strong>24</strong> 12: Reinventing Weight Loss</a></li><li><a href="">4 <strong>8</strong> 12: Reinvent Your Abundance</a></li><li><a href="">3 <strong>8</strong> 12: Reinvent Your Home</a></li><li><a href="">2 <strong>9</strong> 12: Reinvent Your Passionate...</a></li><li><a href="">1 <strong>6</strong> 12: Reinvent Yourself in 201...</a></li></ul><div class="year"><a href="#">2011</a></div><ul class="archive_list"><li><a href="">11 <strong>4</strong> 11: Stay Healthy Through the...</a></li><li><a href="">10 <strong>26</strong> 11: You Can Have it All. A L...</a></li><li><a href="">9 <strong>15</strong> 11: Making Home Your Sacred ...</a></li><li><a href="">8 <strong>15</strong> 11: You must leave one path ...</a></li><li><a href="">7 <strong>20</strong> 11: I am an Energy Worker ...</a></li><li><a href="">6 <strong>2</strong> 11: 3 Essential Ingredients ...</a></li><li><a href="">4 <strong>20</strong> 11: “The Masks We Wear...</a></li></ul><div class="year"><a href="#">2010</a></div><ul class="archive_list"><li><a href="">12 <strong>10</strong> 10: Life is a Team Sport.</a></li></ul> <div class="side_title">Recent Posts</div> <ul> <li> <a href="">Sterling Women Live! | December</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Sterling Women Live! | November</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Sterling Women Inner Circle | October</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Sterling Women Live! | October</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Sterling Women Inner Circle | September</a> </li> </ul> </div><!--end of sidebar--><!--end of sidebar--> <div class="bottom_row"> <div class="bot_contact"> <a href="">SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT</a></div> <div class="bot_link"> <span>Like</span> <a href="" class="link_like">like</a> <a href="" class="link_twitter">twitter</a> <a href="" class="link_in">in</a> </div> </div><!--end of bottom_row--> </div><!--end of index_content--> </div><!--end of wrapper--> <div id="footer"> <div class="foot_txt"> <p>Copyright, 2020. 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