Healing Blog

In one of my first lectures at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, Barbara told us that: “We could have it all.” I remember thinking that she was “off her rocker.” How can you tell people that they can have it all?
What Did Barbara Mean?
What Barbara meant was, we can have the whole package because we are the whole package. She was talking about personal wholeness, not money. She was stating that we deserve a life where we have it all. She also was clear to point out that all doesn’t mean perfection.
To be whole, takes creating some new definitions.
- How you define abundance.
- What you think you deserve in life.
- What is happiness to you?
- What will make up a good/whole life?
- Can you accept a life that is not quite perfect?
The definition of whole is different for everyone.
“All” Means Abundance in all its Forms
To have it “all” means looking at abundance from a wider scope. When we limit our thinking (and, therefore, limit our definition of abundance), we can get stuck in dead end jobs and unfulfilling relationships; basically settle for less than we deserve.
When we open up our definition of abundance, we create space for more joy, laughter, creativity, passion, and spirituality. More importantly, we give ourselves permission to dream.
A Tool for Positive Change
Do you say one thing and do another? Do you say: “I want peace” but then bring chaos into your life? Do you long for a more passionate sex life, but resist doing the work and having a uncomfortable conversation?
To have it all starts with dreaming, and requires courage to examine those those dreams. A wonderful tool for identifying our desires and propel change to reach our goals is the Vision Life Board. When we write down our goals and are able to visualize them, we are more successful achieving them. Visit my Event Calendar to find my next Life Board workshop.
Live in the “Yes Current”
Examining your dreams and goals is just the first critical step. The “Yes Current” is a way of looking at what life places in your path toward abundance. It is finding the glass half full. It is acceptance of your (and others’) imperfections so you can continue to move forward. It is the willingness to make room for more joy, creativity, and intimacy in your life.
Finally, the “Yes Current” is about listening to your inner voice (your intuition) and believing and trusting that voice. It is about saying “I can” versus “I can’t,” saying “Here’s how I will be able to do that,” instead of “I don’t see how I’ll ever be able to do that,” and saying “Yes” to life’s opportunities.
NanetteThis is a wonderful article. It helps to open your mind to so many possibilities and that the possibilities that we can have in our life are endless.
I agree with the statement about money. Yes, we need money to live and to survive, but money isn’t everything, it cannot buy you happiness. It is the icing on the cake.
10 26 2011 Wed
10 26 2011 Wed