Healing Blog

This economy can have a positive effect on your holiday celebrations. It can motivate you to create new traditions that include peace, serenity, intimacy, abundance and good health.
Holidays and Travel
If you choose to travel over the holidays, can you drive, take a train or bus instead of fly? The cost of gas and flying might not work in your tightened budget. The buses are definitely the way to go in style for distances you might have normally driven. You can also turn tradition on its head by recommending the family come to you – or meet in the middle.
Your travel time can be shortened. Spending four days versus a whole week could cut your expenses in half. Another possibility? Stay home this year and create your own family traditions. If your children are little, there is less opportunity for fights over toys, dogs, and food.
There is no getting around the fact that all kids (large and small) like to have lots of presents under the tree. If you do stockings plus gifts, consider not having stockings so that there can be more under the tree. Fill the stockings with items no more than $1-2 each. Infants and toddlers don’t care how many presents they get. Teens and above can grasp the concept of less is more – and the importance of doing for others.
Have a budget. Let the kids give you lists that include lots of choices. This holiday might be about only getting three instead of 10. Maybe it is about only buying a few presents and making the rest. Art, clay, tie-dye, family pictures, cookies – there are lots of ways to make great presents for the whole family.
What is the true meaning of the holiday to you? If you believe the holidays are about gratitude, love, and joy, why not share something that is important to you with your family? You can give your favorite book or movie. You can donate to a cause, or buy presents for needy children in your family’s name. Starbucks has a bracelet for $5 that creates jobs. Schools have lists of families in need. Homeless shelters always need volunteers, blankets, and coats.
Holidays and Stress
If you invite extended family be part of your holiday season, don’t be afraid to rock the boat by doing things differently for the sake of serenity. Make sure you have your own room with a door and real bed for a good night’s sleep. If staying with family means sleeping on the floor or in a room without a door, find a cheap hotel and book it NOW.
Pack your sneakers and take a walk in the middle of the day. Walk off the food, anxiety and boredom. You will pat yourself on the back for making your mental, emotional and physical health a priority this holiday season.
We tend to revert to old behavior when we are around our family. Examine your expectations and make sure they are reasonable. Set your intention to stand in the person you are today. One acronym to hold as a mantra: THINK before you speak. Is what you want to say: Truthful, Helpful, Important, Nice, and Kind?
You deserve a happy and healthy holiday season, and it is up to you to make it happen. We hope that these tips will bring more joy to your holiday!
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