Healing Blog

Managing people is difficult. Period. There are personalities, moral codes, needs, and then their personal lives to be dealt with. What makes a good manager a great one? One who can find the hidden talents in each of their people and help them grow as individuals and team players.
You have a talented employee, but they just can’t seem to stay on task. They get distracted easily and you find yourself reminding them to stay focus. You don’t have enough time in the day to micro-manage your staff. How do you nurture the underlying talents of this person while helping them get their job done quickly and efficiently?
Lists & Deadlines
If they can learn the skill of making a “To Do” list each day and each night before they leave, it will help them keep their eye on the ball with their work. It will be up to you to supervise the initial process to create this habit – it takes 21 days to learn a new way. Trust me, they will soon learn the joy of ticking things off their lists and be empowered by all that they have gotten done.
Giving a day dreamer a deadline is another way to help your employee stay focused. If they understand that they have a known time frame to get the job or task done, they will be motivated to find their own way to get it accomplished. You will need to hold them to this deadline and have set consequences for not achieving it. Checking in every once in a while to see if they need help or to check on their progress can be a positive way to hold their feet to the fire.
They have a great imagination, which is why they tend to day dream. Make use of their creative talents. Have them find innovative solutions to problems. Give them jobs that need that visionary edge – writing, drawing, speaking, music, IT design, etc. By having them explore this artistic place within them, they will get “lost” in a good way and bring you work that will be inspired.
Intuitive & Sensitive
Trust their instincts! They have a keen sense about how things will work – or not. They have a knowing about people that goes beyond the “normal.” Use this intuitive skill to your benefit by asking about their “gut” feelings. They will surprise you with their insights. These are perfect people to hold a second interview for a potential employee and review a proposal where you have second thoughts.
Sincere Heart
Just like their abilities to be intuitive and sensitive, your day dreamers have a sincere heart. They are honest and true – but don’t want to hurt others. They will find a way to say what is important in a way that honors their sincerity and their sensitivity. Their heart is also spiritually based. They have a strong connection with their “higher power,” God, The Universe – however you choose to believe. This spiritual connection is their anchor in life.
Holding the day dreamer’s feet to the fire to stay on task will be key to managing them to be efficient and timely. Using their creative imagination will only bring you success. Trusting their intuition and “sixth” sense can help you make solid decisions. Appreciating that their heart is sincere and spiritually based gives you a better understanding of who they are as a person, not just an employee.
Working with all personality types is a challenge for any manager. At times it can be difficult to see the hidden talents in any individual. Setting your intention to find and nurture these latent pieces of your staff will take you from goodness to greatness as a manager.
9 27 2014 Sat