Healing Blog

Two betrayed, abused, warrior souls wanting desperately to believe that they deserved true love. Galileo wasn’t my first horse, and he won’t be my last. He was a warrior, and I loved him with all of my heart. As most of you have experienced, our animals tend to reflect parts of us – and parts of our life. Galileo was my mirror. I put him down two years ago, and still miss him dearly. Recently I went to a workshop about trust where I was asked the question: “If you trusted more, you would…” As I began to really think about it, I suddenly knew the answer: If I trusted more, I would LIVE the lessons Galileo taught me.
Gali Trust Lesson #1: Fear does not have to unseat me. I am stronger than I believe.
Every few months Galileo & I would have an “event” that should have landed me in the hospital. It was usually his fear that brought about the “event.” He wasn’t trying to unseat me. He was just being a big scaredy horse. Each time I stayed on, it would validate my strength, courage, tenacity and the fact that fear doesn’t have to win and land me on my ass. Each event showed me that I can stay in the saddle in the face of fear and keep moving forward.
Gali Trust Lesson #2: Everyone is lovable.
What happens when you feel unworthy? Unlovable? When I was scared, my “go to” place was being a bitch. No one loves a bitch. Right? Wrong. Gali taught me that everyone is lovable. After his surgery, when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, he became docile. The doctors would tell me what a kind horse he was, and I would start to cry. “No,” I would say. “That means he is in pain. If he were feeling better, he would be grumpy and a real _ick.” I loved the grumpy Galileo with his bad attitude, and superiority complex. He loved the bitch in me. Everyone is lovable!
Gali Trust Lesson #3: I deserve to be big, bold & to laugh loudly.
“Sit down. Be quiet. Do you have to laugh that loud?” My parents tried to teach me to be small, quiet, and submissive. Luckily, these lessons didn’t stick. When I was on Galileo’s back I had to be as big and bold as he was. I had to trust him and he had to trust me. I was 120 pounds to his 1,500 pounds. He didn’t have to do anything I asked. So we flew through the fields and over jumps, we were big, we were bold, and everyone could hear me as I laughed with my whole body – nice and loud.
Gali Trust Lesson #4: I am worthy of greatness.
Galileo had a bad habit of tossing people off his back if he didn’t find them good enough riders. In other words, if they didn’t live up to his greatness. I was honored that he allowed me on his back and proud to ride this majestic animal that moved with grace and power. He made me realize that I was worthy of greatness. I was worthy of him. I f he could speak he would ask: “What would your life look like if you LIVED in YOUR greatness every day?”
Gali Trust Lesson #5: My heart heals others.
When you ride a horse like Galileo, the rest of the world melts away as you become one with the horse under you. To connect with an animal this way is sacred. Our minds and hearts become one. As I opened my heart to Galileo, he opened his to me. Two betrayed, abused, warrior souls wanting desperately to believe that they deserved true love. Wanting to be seen for their greatness, bigness, and beauty. Wanting to be loved even with their fears and attitude. Wanting to trust another so deeply they can rest in their arms. My heart healed Galileo and his heart healed mine. He taught me the power of love.
See the article in in the Fall 2014 issue of Bliss magazine, page 26.