Healing Blog
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Make-up for isolation. Get up, get dressed, & get your face on.
Cindy bares it all - from the neck up.
Make-up Base
Bangin’ Brows
Smokey Eyes
Luscious Lips
- 6 29 20: Happiness is a Verb Esse...
- 5 11 20: As Restrictions Ease
- 5 11 20: At Home with Cindy and J...
- 5 10 20: Living in the Present
- 4 23 20: “I Feel PrettyR...
- 4 20 20: At Home with Cindy and J...
- 4 8 20: EEK! A Spouse in the Hou...
- 4 7 20: Business Lessons During ...
- 4 1 20: EEK! A Spouse in the Hou...
- 3 30 20: Interview with Mark J. S...
- 3 28 20: Personal Struggles: Depr...
- 3 24 20: EEK! A Spouse in the Hou...
- 3 18 20: EEK! A Spouse in the Hou...
- 3 17 20: EEK! A Spouse in the Hou...
- 3 17 20: Parents: Cooking with Ki...
- 3 17 20: Business Owners: Working...
- 3 14 20: Business Owners: Stay He...
- 11 5 19: How to Cultivate an Atti...
- 9 7 19: Middleburg Life Septembe...
- 9 6 19: Loudoun Now - Seve...
- 8 23 19: Seven Women of Mason Pro...
- 7 8 19: The Value of Unhappiness
- 5 16 19: J & Cindy Sitting i...
- 5 10 19: Fierce Women: Cindy chat...
- 4 17 19: J & Cindy Sitting i...
- 2 25 19: Cindy Speaks with Adrien...
- 12 11 18: Fearless Women Share the...
- 10 12 18: The Quest is Not Perfect
- 7 17 18: Wellness Wisdom Podcast
- 1 8 18: Happy Webinar: Home / Li...
- 8 16 17: Waiting for the Storm or...
- 8 15 17: Are you a Pooh? The Happ...
- 8 7 17: Remarkable Women Podcast...
- 5 23 17: Remarkable Women Intervi...
- 5 4 17: Remarkable Women Intervi...
- 3 17 17: Podcast | J & Cindy...
- 3 3 17: Here We Go! Happiness is...
- 2 20 17: Intrepides Femmes | Fear...
- 1 5 17: The Power of Positivity
- 11 12 16: Prepare for Winter and F...
- 9 27 16: Finding The Happy In You...
- 9 26 16: Words Matter: Happiness ...
- 9 19 16: Request vs. Demand: Happ...
- 9 13 16: Finding The Happy In You...
- 9 12 16: Either and Or: Happiness...
- 9 3 16: Curiosity: Happiness Min...
- 8 29 16: Radio Interview - ...
- 8 29 16: Good People, Bad Habits:...
- 8 22 16: We are All Just Big Kids...
- 8 15 16: Speaking Your Needs: Hap...
- 8 1 16: Healing Journeys -...
- 8 1 16: “Enoughness”...
- 7 26 16: The Pause Button: Happin...
- 7 19 16: We Are Powerful Beings –...
- 7 15 16: Dear Cynthia - Jul...
- 6 11 16: True Confessions from “C...
- 5 10 16: Dear Cynthia - May...
- 5 2 16: Savvy Central Radio Inte...
- 4 5 16: Dear Cynthia - Apr...
- 3 7 16: Dear Cynthia - Mar...
- 1 30 16: Dear Cynthia - Feb...
- 1 13 16: Dear Cynthia - Jan...
- 12 15 15: Dear Cynthia - Dec...
- 11 17 15: Dear Cynthia - Nov...
- 10 28 15: “Don’t run t...
- 10 15 15: Ask Cynthia
- 9 10 15: Don’t Let Ashley Madison...
- 8 29 15: Don’t Let Ashley Madison...
- 6 3 15: A Sterling Women Project...
- 4 2 15: iheartRadio Broadcast wi...
- 3 9 15: Managing the Pain of Div...
- 2 27 15: Savvy Central Radio Inte...
- 12 2 14: It’s Time to Shine...
- 11 20 14: If I Trusted More
- 7 15 14: How to Use Your Pause Bu...
- 6 4 14: Seeking the “Santi...
- 5 19 14: 15 Healthy Boundaries Du...
- 4 16 14: High Tea with the Divas ...
- 4 4 14: Turning Challenges Into ...
- 3 18 14: Before the “Decisi...
- 2 16 14: I Can’t Say No to My Bos...
- 2 11 14: Who Am I Now? Finding th...
- 2 5 14: Getting Through Divorce ...
- 12 16 13: Staying Focused at Work ...
- 12 13 13: New Year New You -...
- 12 3 13: Teens & The Holiday...
- 12 2 13: Making Good Managers, Gr...
- 11 18 13: Let’s Talk About S...
- 11 6 13: New Year - New You...
- 11 2 13: Making Good Managers, Gr...
- 10 29 13: Keeping The “Happy” in y...
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- 10 8 13: Making Good Managers, Gr...
- 10 2 13: Boundaries & Budget...
- 9 17 13: Preparing for Your Perfe...
- 9 13 13: Making Good Managers, Gr...
- 8 22 13: Finding Your Secret Stuf...
- 7 24 13: Reinvent “Enough...
- 7 5 13: Reinvent your healthy ...
- 6 26 13: Is Your Marriage Stuck? ...
- 5 24 13: Reinventing Divorce Broa...
- 4 29 13: Reinvent Your Job Search...
- 4 29 13: You Were in Love, Once U...
- 4 11 13: Marriage Building Blocks
- 4 8 13: Reinventing Simplicity
- 3 14 13: Reinventing Grief By Say...
- 1 17 13: Reinvent Change
- 1 17 13: My Next Big Thing: ̶...
- 12 18 12: Reinvent Your Resolution...
- 11 30 12: Reinventing the Holidays
- 11 27 12: Introducing the Reinvent...
- 11 9 12: Cindy Battino Urges Ster...
- 10 25 12: Reinventing Your Fight A...
- 10 8 12: Appointments
- 8 23 12: Reinvent Your Intention
- 6 28 12: Reinvent Your “No”
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- 5 24 12: Reinventing Weight Loss
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- 1 6 12: Reinvent Yourself in 201...
- 11 4 11: Stay Healthy Through the...
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- 9 15 11: Making Home Your Sacred ...
- 8 15 11: You must leave one path ...
- 7 20 11: I am an Energy Worker ...</a></li><li><a href="https://www.transform-heal.com/manifesting-your-deepest-longings/">6 <strong>2</strong> 11: 3 Essential Ingredients ...</a></li><li><a href="https://www.transform-heal.com/the-maskes-we-wear-a-poem/">4 <strong>20</strong> 11: “The Masks We Wear...</a></li></ul><div class="year"><a href="#">2010</a></div><ul class="archive_list"><li><a href="https://www.transform-heal.com/life-is-a-team-sport/">12 <strong>10</strong> 10: Life is a Team Sport.</a></li></ul> <div class="side_title">Recent Posts</div> <ul> <li> <a href="https://www.transform-heal.com/sterling-women-rock-2020-with-abundance-december/">Sterling Women Live! | December</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://www.transform-heal.com/sterling-women-rock-2020-with-abundance-3/">Sterling Women Live! | November</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://www.transform-heal.com/sterling-women-inner-circle-october/">Sterling Women Inner Circle | October</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://www.transform-heal.com/sterling-women-rock-2020-with-abundance-2/">Sterling Women Live! | October</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://www.transform-heal.com/sterling-women-inner-circle-september/">Sterling Women Inner Circle | September</a> </li> </ul> </div><!--end of sidebar--><!--end of sidebar--> <div class="bottom_row"> <div class="bot_contact"> <a href="https://www.transform-heal.com/schedule-your-appointment/">SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT</a></div> <div class="bot_link"> <span>Like</span> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/Transformational-Healing/250318034982789" class="link_like">like</a> <a href="https://www.twitter.com" class="link_twitter">twitter</a> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/pub/cindy-battino/3/895/7ab" class="link_in">in</a> </div> </div><!--end of bottom_row--> </div><!--end of index_content--> </div><!--end of wrapper--> <div id="footer"> <div class="foot_txt"> <p>Copyright, 2020. 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