Healing Blog

Dear Cynthia:
I went from a full-time mom before my divorce to now a working mom. Summer is coming and my children will be home all day. Without just shoving them onto their friends’ families, what can you suggest I do for care this summer? -Sad Mom Missing Fun Summers
Dear Cynthia:
I am a newly divorced dad and I will have my kids for a few consecutive weeks in the summer. I can only take one week off for vacation. What do I do? -Single, Summer Dad
Dear Sad Mom Missing Fun Summers & Single, Summer Dad:
This is an adjustment for all parents and kids who had a working parent and a full-time caregiving parent. I have several suggestions and hope some of them work for you.
Summer Camps.
There are many types of camps available. Choose camps such as art, theater, sports, horseback riding, science, swimming, boating, tech and well, camping. Check out George Mason’s Summer Youth Programs and camps. If you have a budding chef, both Cookology hosts a kids camp and Bethesda’s L’Academie de Cuisine has a summer camp.
Give your child a choice you are comfortable with and book it now. The great camps fill up quickly. Don’t know what camps are in your area? Google it! Google lists thousands of day and overnight camps in Northern Virginia alone.
Finding full and part-time care.
Care.com allows families to search for, qualify and select caregivers in a low-cost, reliable and easy way. Would you like your child to teach you a new language? Try AuPairWorld.com. This service allows you to find your au pair according to your own wishes without the interference and high expense of a traditional agency.
Advertising still works, try your HOA newsletter for responsible high school seniors and graduates, use George Mason advertising options. NVCC has NOVA News & Classifieds through ULoop.
Consider a Nanny share. Nanny shares are ideal for families with children of approximately the same age. A Nanny is the most expensive type of childcare, but sharing this high-end caregiver may be an option for you. Learn more.
Daytime activities.
Even if your time with your child is limited, the summer fun doesn’t have to be. Go for picnics in a backyard fort, batting cages, miniature golf, badminton, making and flying kites, making and flying airplanes, blowing super bubbles, scavenger hunt, driveway maze drawn in chalk, water balloons, gardening, and so much more.
Plan well.
Whatever route you choose, make sure the sitter has all your “do and don’t” rules and tools. Give your sitter a list of all the activities you want your children to experience, where they can go, and with whom they can spend time. For the caregiver you trust, we live in activity rich region. From the Smithsonian (museums and Zoo) in DC to the underwater wonders at the Baltimore Aquarium, there is enough to keep kids busy for multiple summers.
So don’t worry. Kids will still have lots of fun this summer with thoughtful advance planning. Get online and let your fingers find the best our area has to offer families, this and every summer.
In this column Cynthia will answer your emotionally based and general questions about divorce. Cynthia is a life coach and energy worker who specializes in working with people considering, going through, or stuck after divorce.
To ask Cynthia a question about divorce, you can email her at: [email protected].
You can also email Bliss Magazine: [email protected]