Healing Blog

Dear Cynthia:
I have gone to a Second Saturday workshop about divorce and am still a bit confused about who to hire. This is already an expensive process. Why do I need to hire a financial advisor AND a divorce attorney? Why do I need to hire someone for the emotional side of divorce? My friends and family will be good enough. By hiring additional people it seems to drive the cost of my divorce up even higher and I just DON’T have the money! Expensive Divorce – Not Me!
Dear Expensive Divorce – Not Me:
I can understand why it seems counter-intuitive to hire three divorce professionals when you are already scared about how much this process will cost with just an attorney. Here’s a quick answer to your questions.
By hiring a financial divorce professional (CFP plus CDFA) they can model for you and your attorney (and your soon to be ex’s attorney as well) how best to divide up the marital property and still keep everyone intact. Their goal is to make sure you can pay your bills on the day after your divorce and still be financially healthy five years later. This is what they do ALL day long, versus your attorney that specializes in the legal aspects of divorce. It will take the attorneys much longer to put together the financial part of your Property Settlement Agreement. More time and more expensive hourly rate equal you paying more overall.
By hiring an emotional coach for your divorce you will be able to make the decisions you need to make (about your finances, house and legal aspects) from a clear place. This is the place to work out all of your feelings and to get your feet under you in a way that you can look at the bigger picture of divorce. If you rely on friends and family, they will tend to fuel the emotional drama and trauma. They also give poor legal, financial and emotional advice. You will end up using your divorce attorney’s office as a therapeutic environment – which can be almost three times more than a therapist or coach! Finally, the decisions you make when you aren’t clear can lead to regrets on the other side of divorce.
Using your divorce dollars effectively can guarantee you will spend less money and time overall and incur less drama and trauma. Want a cheaper divorce? Hire your best team.
In this column Cynthia will answer your emotionally based and general questions about divorce. Cynthia is a life coach and energy worker who specializes in working with people considering, going through, or stuck after divorce.
To ask Cynthia a question about divorce, you can email her at: [email protected].
You can also email Bliss Magazine: [email protected]