Healing Blog

Working through a Global Crisis
The outbreak of coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19) has spread as predicted. We are being asked to stay in.
Cindy has some workable tips for keeping your business running. MORE

Working through a Global Crisis
The outbreak of coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19) has spread as predicted. The news updates are often stressful for individuals, business owners, and communities. As health officials rush to manage the disease, it is time for you, as a business owner, to think creatively about serving your customers. Remember, it’s not they do not want to use you; they may simply be afraid. MORE

Leesburg Lifestyle | October 28, 2019 | Article Lauren Giannini
Holidays tend to run the gamut of great to gruesome, even at Thanksgiving, the traditional celebration of abundance in our lives. We go overboard planning, expect too much and/or prepare too much or not enough so that, of course, the airports are jammed, rental cars are scarce and/or you miss your flight. It takes effort to enjoy any holiday, especially if you’re doing most of the work, but here’s the bottom line: MORE