Healing Blog

Practice the Nine Essential Life and Relationship Skills
As a Life Coach and Happiness Expert, I have the tools to bring greater happiness; if you are willing to do the work. My program is in an online and Zoom format. You can learn, practice, and integrate these skillsets into your life. Sound good? Plus the cost is less than the cost of therapy even with insurance.
“I was anorexic. I hated to look in the mirror. All I saw was fat. Whenever I made a mistake, my Super Ego would “scream” at me for days and tell me how stupid I was. Before I would go to sleep, I would go through every conversation I had that day to figure out if I said anything stupid, wrong, or humiliating. I looked for every misstep - so that I could prove once again that I was an idiot. Maybe some of you can relate - if you can, I have the program for you. I found happiness - so can you.”

Shouldn’t the anxiety go away?
As COVID-19 restrictions ease, remember, this is a transition. Nobody wants this illness to spread - everyone wants their normal to return. Cindy has some coping advice from anxiety to common sense and consideration.

Enjoying the fruit of mountain labors.
More from Cindy and Jay and what keeps them sane and busy at home throughout COVID-19.
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